Deep-Time Construction

May 31, 2018

Deep-Time Construction, 2018; installation view, CCA Wattis Institute; Photo: Johnna Arnold
Deep-Time Construction, 2018; installation view, CCA Wattis Institute; Photo: Johnna Arnold

Deep-Time Construction at CCA Wattis Institute for Contemporary Arts brought together artists Basel Abbas and Ruanne Abou-Rahme, Lida Abdul, Sky Hopinka, NIC Kay, Asma Kazmi, and Amanda Russhell Wallace. In addition, commissioned critical writings by Nazik Dakkach, Aruna D’Souza, Sean D. Henry-Smith, Lindsay Nixon, Meganne Rosen, tamara suarez porras, Jennif(f)er Tamayo, and Leila Weefur were paired with each artist.

The darkened back gallery offered audiences multiple video works concerned with notions of time, its possibilities, flexibilities, cultural rigidities, and colonial structures. The constructed bleachers ran the length of the wall inviting visitors into a collective viewing space situated between projections playing on opposite walls. Looking back and forth like a spectator at a tennis match, the video works created dialogue and dissonance carrying with them the visitors physically positioned within the constructed time continuum.

Deep-Time Construction (May31-July 28, 2018) was curated by contemtporary, an online arts publication edited by Eunsong Kim, Gelare Khoshgozaran, and Palestinian writer and curator Nasrin Himada. This was the capstone exhibition for the 20172018 Capp Street Project ArtistsinResidence, invited and organized by CCAWattis associate curator Leila Grothe.

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Citations and links:

Campbell, Andy. “Contemptorary: Deep-Time Construction.” Artform, May 2018.


Quick, Genevieve. “Deep-Time Construction: Basel Abbas & Ruanne Abou-Rahme, Lida Abdul, Sky Hopinka, NIC Kay, Asma Kazmi, and Amanda Russhell Wallace.” C Magazine, 2019.